Agreement-Based Grants of the Youth Committee

Forms in Finnish

Nuorisolautakunnan sopimuspohjainen avustuslomake (pdf)

Additional information

Executive Manager Pirjo Lehtinen

Agreement-based grants can be granted for registered, Turku-based youth organizations and similar regional organizations. A regional organization needs to commit itself to the financial and educational objectives specifically approved by the committee.

Negotiations are a precondition for an agreement-based grant and the agreement will be written based on it. The aim of the agreement is that the Youth Committee would strengthen the perseverance and development of the organization’s youth activities both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Assessment and development negotiations as well as negotiations about planning the operations and finances are conducted with the representatives of the organization annually.

Agreement-based grants must be applied for by the end of September.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • The profit and loss account (by types of income and expenses) and the balance sheet with appendices
  • Annual report
  • Auditor’s report / Performance auditor’s report